Saturday, February 16, 2019

A tribute to Indian Army - The Soldier who stood alone

I salute the soldier who stood alone in winter and in summer,

It is because of him that I live my life with peace and cheer,

I sleep on my bed peacefully at night,

Because a soldier is keeping danger out of my sight,

I enjoy the festivals and holidays with my family,

While the soldier guards our borders even if the weather is chilly,

He goes through a tough training,

So he can serve my country,

He doesn't bother if his shoes are torn when it is raining,

So I can play with my child and be happy,

Today his family mourns and is feeling sad,

While I watch the news about his death and feel bad,

He gave his life in a second for my security,

And all I do is light candles and forward messages on whatsapp,

He fought till the end so he could do his duty,

While I sit with my friends to have coffee and chit-chat,

After a few days the media will start discussing another story,

People will forget the soldier and his glory,

I hope we all remember how the man stood alone,

While fighting for our security, today the soldier is gone.

Jai Hind 🇮🇳
Janki Hemani (