Sunday, June 24, 2018

A rendezvous with God

Lisa was a rebel, some called her an atheist for she did not believe in God,

She excelled in academics and in sports she won accolades, she was proud of what she was,

One day when she returned home from school and saw a crowd outside her house, she felt a little odd,

She heard some cries and ran inside, she was told that prolonged illness was her mother’s deaths’ probable cause,

She fell on the ground and cried aloud as her mother was the only one she had in her family,

The neighbors consoled and asked her to be strong, but she could only feel the broken pieces of her heart,

Her mother was a believer of God, she prayed every day and went to the church regularly,

Lisa didn’t believe in the almighty so she went to the beach near her house, staring at the water as she fell apart,

Out of nowhere a child came to her and asked her if she would make a castle of sand and give her company,

Reluctantly Lisa agreed to play with the child and within a few moments they created something so beautiful on the sand that looked like some type of art,

The tide was high and the water destoyed the sand art that Lisa had created with the child so beautifully,

Lisa looked at the child for signs of disappointment but instead the child smiled at her and started creating a new sand art,

When Lisa asked the child if she wasn’t upset that her castle had been destoryed and she would have to restart,

The child looked at her and calmly replied that may be God had a different plan for her, a plan that she didn’t know yet but it will definitely lead her to happiness,

On hearing this Lisa was astonished at how easy it was for the child to believe in his presence who she had never seen,

The child’s mother came from far waving at her happily, she said goodbye to Lisa and whispeed something in her ear before leaving,

You don’t need to see God to believe in him, he is everywhere, he lived in your mother and lives within you whether you believe in him or not.”

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